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Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Five Views Of The Island Of St Helena by William Pocock

This ISLAND, when first discovered, presented nothing to the view of the navigator but a mass of rock; and produced nothing for his use but water, which was then attainable only with much labour, and some danger. It is now well known as lying in the homeward-bound track of our East India Fleets. Its position is remarkable, in the South Atlantic Ocean, at a greater distance from inhabited land than any other spot that can be named; viz.—about 400 nautical leagues from the Coast of Africa, and 700 from that of America. The passage to it from England is usually accomplished in about eight weeks; although, from the constancy of the trade winds always blowing from the SE, it is necessary to make a very considerable circuit to get there. Ships bound to St. Helena cross the Equator about the 19° of west longitude, and continue their course southerly till they approach the Island of Trinidad, or the rocks of Martin Vas. The trade wind here becomes variable; and a few degrees further South, entirely ceases

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